How To Order

To Place Your Order: Simply following the 3 steps

Step 1 (3 ways)
1) Fill up our MC Online Order Form or

2) Copy the following templates, fill in where applicable and 
- pm us on facebook or
- email us at

Your Name:

Item Code: (please state clearly if more than 1 item is purchased)
Delivery Address: 
Contact Number:

Mailing Method: Normal / Registered (addition S$2.50)

Step 2:
Make payment to DBS Saving account 002-6-071604
(Total amount and banking details will be provided in the email.)

Once payment made, please kindly c
opy the following templates and email to for payment verification

Bank Account:
Date / Time of Transfer:
IB Nick (If you are doing internet banking) / Snapshot of ATM receipt:

Step 3:
Delivery will be made thereafter and it will take roughly 2 - 3 weeks from date of payment.

Interested to buy but have queries???

Please feel free to drop me an email at 
or simply SMS to 91504885.

and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thanks a million!!!